
专访Darryl Marshak:好莱坞需要更多中国演员的参与


      With the deepening of exchanges between China and the United States, more and more Asian or Chinese actors are pursuing their "movie dreams" in Hollywood. Recently, Darryl Marshak, chairman of the Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates& Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML), was invited by TOPhoeniX to appear in Guangzhou, accepted the media interview. He wants to invite more Chinese film dreamers to explore more career development possibilities in Hollywood with him, and bring new faces and new changes to Hollywood.  Sohu Entertainment conducted an exclusive interview with Darryl Marshak to know more about this behind-the-scenes story of this "top-notch agent".

This is Daryl's first trip to China. As a veteran authority on the American film industry, Chairman Daryl has come into contact with many outstanding Chinese actors, but he has never been to China to experience the real Oriental culture. After just a few days of living in China, he was unsparing in his praise of China, especially Chinese food. In the interview, he made a point of introducing his experience of trying bullfrogs. For him, who had never tried bullfrog before, it was a surprise to him. "The frog is very delicious!" As he spoke, his eyes glowed with wonder, as if he had discovered a treasure.

Besides the discovery of bullfrogsthe discovery of potential new actors was a big surprise of Chairman Daryl's visit to China. In the rush between trips, Daryl Main discovered that China has a lot of potential new performers. He says he has paid attention to Chinese television programs. Although there is a language problem, but this does not hinder his observation of the actors. He is pleasantly surprised that there are so many promising young actors in China now. "With professional performing arts directors and good opportunities, they will surely be able to make great achievements in the entertainment industry." Chairman Daryl mentioned.

After years of development in the Hollywood film circle, Chairman Daryl is like a Hollywood "chameleon", with multiple identities. He's the director; He is also senior producer of the film "Tiptoes"; He discovered and trained Leonardo Dicaprio, James Franco and Hilary Swank and other top actors.

When asked why he had such a keen "nose" for good actors with potential, Darryl replied with great pride: "It's a gift." As a top-notch agent and filmmaker, he had an intuition that was more accurate than a sixth sense, allowing him to judge in a short time whether a newcomer would be a good actor . "In just a few minutes, I can tell if he or she is a long-term friend or a relationship that ends when the contract expires," he says.

Asian actress Lucy Liu, who plays socialite Simone in the TV series Why Women Kill, is once again famous. From Alex, who plays Kung Fu in Charlie's Angels, to the female version of Watson in Elementary, to Simone, who is extraordinary charming, Lucy Liu has shown the Eastern and Western audiences more diverse role plasticity of Asian actors. Last year, the success of Crazy Rich Asians, a film with an Asian cast, demonstrated the growing acceptance of Asian actors in the Western film market.

As one of the founders of the HollywoodLittman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates& Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML), Chairman Daryl has been very keen to see more Chinese faces active in Hollywood film screens. "Now, it is the best time for a new generation of Chinese actors to come to Hollywood," he said. China has contributed to the world film industry many excellent actors, such as Jackie Chan, Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh and other international movie stars. Now, the acceptance of Asian actors in the international film market is increasing, Asian actors are getting more acting opportunities. More and more international audiences are realizing that there are so many excellent Asian actors.

And this is the original intention of Daryl's cooperation with TOPhoeniX. Years of Hollywood experience have helped Daryl build a huge network of contacts and resources. With the Midas touch, he has discovered and trained many outstanding actors for Hollywood, and helped young people with Hollywood dreams to realize their aspirations such as Hilary Swank, James Franco, Nicole Gail Anderson. This time, he hopes to help more potential young Chinese actors pursue and realize their Hollywood movie dreams. Just this year, Chairman Daryl and TOPhoeniX reached a cooperation to launch a number of actor training programs, aimed at cultivating and improving actors' acting skills, while helping young people with dreams to know more about the Hollywood film industry market and get ready to becoma qualified film actor.

"I hope to see more Chinese actors on the screen in Hollywood. I hope more Chinese actors can come to Hollywood to pursue their movie dreams. That's what I want to achieve the most." Chairman Daryl said after the interview.

随着中美交流加深,越来越多亚裔或中国籍演员在“造星工厂”好莱坞追寻自己的“电影梦”。近日,美国好莱坞电影人才协会联盟主席Darryl Marshak达里尔.马沙克主席受凤翎环宇TOPhoeniX的邀请来到中国,希望与更多中国的“电影追梦人”一起在好莱坞探索更多职业发展的可能性,为好莱坞带来新面孔、新变化。期间,搜狐娱乐对Darryl Marshak进行专访,了解这位“金牌经纪人”的幕后故事。




这是达里尔主席的第一次中国之行。作为美国电影界的资深权威,达里尔主席接触了不少杰出的华人演员,但从未到中国来感受真正的东方文化。经过短短几天在中国的生活,他毫不吝啬对中国的赞美,尤其是中华美食文化。在采访中,他特意介绍了自己尝试牛蛙的体验。对于从未尝试过牛蛙的他来说,这是中国美食文化给他的一次惊喜。“The frog is very delicious!”他说着,眼睛里闪着惊奇的光,如同发现了宝藏一样。





经过多年的好莱坞电影圈发展,达里尔主席犹如好莱坞“变色龙”一样,拥有着多重身份。他是导演;也是是电影《脚尖儿Tiptoes》的高级制片人;也是网罗了莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥(Leonardo Dicaprio)、詹姆斯.弗兰克(James Franco)、希拉里.斯万克(Hilary Swank)等大咖演员的金牌经纪人。



当被问到,为什么对有潜力的优秀演员有如此敏锐的“嗅觉”时,达里尔主席非常自豪地回答:“It’s a gift.”作为金牌经纪人和电影制作人,他有一种比第六感还要准确的直觉,让他在短时间内判断一个新人是否能成为一位优秀的演员。他说,“通过短短几分钟的交流,我就能知道,他/她是能长期合作的朋友还是到合约期就结束的合作关系。”



在电视剧《Why Women Kill》中,饰演社交名媛Simone的亚裔演员刘玉玲再次名声大噪。从《霹雳娇娃》中戏耍功夫的艾利克斯,到《基本演绎法》中的女版“华生”,再到“风情万种上眉梢”的Simone,刘玉玲让东西方观众看到了亚裔演员更多元、更立体的的角色可塑性。而去年,由亚裔演员挑大梁的电影《Crazy Rich Asians》大获成功,证明了西方电影市场对亚裔演员的接受度正在提高。




