


TOPhoeniX got the exclusive authorization by the Hollywood Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates& Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML)

TOPhoeniX made Littman-Marshak - Wyckoff Associates & Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML) sole authorization in China. Starting from today, TOPhoeniX will carry out business activities and practice commercial events on behalf of the Association and Darryl Marshak, President of the Association. The authorization includes but not limited to recruiting trainees or casting candidates of film, drama, singing and shows to the Hollywood and conducting market campaign, launching courses or the meet-and greet in China, building up the e-commerce platform for China market.

Darryl Marshak, president of the Littman-Marshak - Wyckoff Associates & Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML) , signed an exclusive letter of authorization and took a photo with Ms. Katherine Wu, founder of TOPhoeniX.

Introduction of Littman-Marshak-WyckoffAssociates& GoldMarshakLiedtkeAssociates(GML)

        Daryl Marshak is a veteran authority on the film industry. His film "Adzam" has represented the United States at the 10th annual Muse Film Festival in Amsterdam and received a Special Honorary Award at the KCET Film Festival.

        Darryl Marshak also executive produced "Tiptoes" starring Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey, Peter Dinklage (from Game Of Thrones), Kate Beckinsale, Gary Oldman and Patricia Arquette. In addition, Darryl Marshak produced "Any Day" starring Sean Bean, Eva Longoria, Kate Walsh & Tom Arnold. 

        Darryl is also known for his excellence in film talent development and marketing. As a member Of The Academy Of Motion Picture & Sciences & The Television Academy, he won the LA Film Teachers Association Award in 1973. Being a leading Hollywood agent, he successfully tapped Leonardo Dicaprio (Titanic), Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby), James Franco Franco (Spider-Man), Robert Patrick (Terminator 2), Nicole Gale Anderson (Lion) and many other Hollywood actors. He is honored by The industry as "The Amazing Darryl" who has the "Midas touch" ability and enjoys the reputation of "The Golden Finger of Hollywood".

        Daryl has a huge network of contacts and resources in Hollywood. What's more, having a heart of thanksgiving, he is interested in cultivating potential actors for Hollywood, so that young people with Hollywood dreams can avoid detourts and reach the peak of their acting careers. That's why he founded the Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates&Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates(GML). TOPhoeniX is delighted to get the exclusive authorization by it in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). We will connect Chinese actors, singers, hosts, directors, screenwriters, models, influencers and other industry professionals with Hollywood, providing direct access to success, and helping everyone's dreams come true.

凤翎环宇喜获美国好莱坞电影人才协会联盟Littman-Marshak-WyckoffAssociates& GoldMarshakLiedtkeAssociates(GML)在中国的独家授权。从今日起,凤翎环宇将全权代表该协会及联盟主席Darryl Marshak达里尔·马沙克先生在中国开展商业及相关推广活动,包括但不限于代表该协会在中国招募电影、电视、戏剧、歌唱、演出等娱乐艺术领域的学员和影片选角候选人,邀请并组织该协会旗下的资深经纪人和名人明星在中国开办培训课程或见面会,搭建线上及线下平台推动中美娱乐圈人士的交流与合作。

美国好莱坞电影人才协会联盟主席Darryl Marshak达里尔·马沙克先生签订独家授权书,并与凤翎环宇创始人Katherine Wu女士亲切合影。


美国好莱坞电影人才协会联盟于20世纪末由达里尔·马沙克Darryl Marshak主导创立。达里尔主席是一位电影界资深权威,他的电影作品《阿扎姆》(Adzam)曾代表美国国家参加阿姆斯特丹第十届年度缪斯电影节,并在KCET电影节上获得特别荣誉奖。他的代表作《脚尖儿Tiptoes》,主演网罗了奥斯卡及金球奖影帝马修·麦康纳Matthew McConaughey和《权力游戏》中的小恶魔彼特·丁拉基Peter Dinklage等大咖演员。另一部知名电影作品《任何一天Any Day》,主演网罗了出演过《指环王》、《007:黄金眼》、《国家宝藏》和《特洛伊》的肖恩·宾Sean Bean、《绝望主妇》和《蛇蝎女佣》伊娃·朗格利亚Eva Longoria、《CSI》和《实习医生格雷》凯特·沃什Kate Walsh 等大牌明星。

同时,达里尔主席在电影人才培养和营销方面成绩卓越,他是美国电影科学院和电视学院The Academy Of Motion Picture & Sciences & The Television Academy的成员,曾获得洛杉矶电影教师协会奖,作为好莱坞金牌经纪人成功挖掘了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥Leonardo Dicaprio(《泰坦尼克号》)、希拉里·斯万克Hilary Swank(《百万美元宝贝》)、詹姆斯·弗兰科James Franco(《蜘蛛侠》)、罗伯特·帕特里克Robert Patrick(《终结者2》)、妮可·盖尔·安德森Nicole Gale Anderson(《侠胆雄狮》)等众多好莱坞巨星,被业界尊称为拥有“点石成金”能力的“超级达里尔The Amazing Darryl”,享有“好莱坞金手指The Golden Finger of Hollywood”的美誉。


达里尔主席拥有好莱坞庞大的人脉网和资源库,并心存回报之心,有志于为好莱坞培养新星和巨星,让拥有好莱坞梦想的年轻人们少走弯路,直达演艺生涯巅峰。美国好莱坞电影人才协会联盟 Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates & Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates(GML)就是在这样的背景下创立而成的。凤翎环宇喜获该协会联盟在中国区(含港澳台)的独家授权,将为中国怀抱演艺梦想的演员、歌手、主持人、导演、编剧、模特、网红等业界人士牵线搭桥,提供步入成功的直达任意门,帮助大家的梦想落地成真。