
好莱坞金牌经纪人Darryl Marshak:好莱坞正酝酿一股“中国潮


      On November 7, Mr. Darryl Marshak, the Hollywood top-notch agent and chairman of the Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates& Gold Marshak Liedtke Associates (GML), was invited by TOPhoeniX to appear in Guangzhou, accepted the media interview.

       Daryl Marshak is a veteran authority on the film industry. His film "Adzam" has represented the United States at the 10th annual Muse Film Festival in Amsterdam and received a Special Honorary Award at the KCET Film Festival.

         Darryl Marshak also executive produced "Tiptoes" starring Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey, Peter Dinklage (from Game Of Thrones), Kate Beckinsale, Gary Oldman and Patricia Arquette. In addition, Darryl Marshak produced "Any Day" starring Sean Bean, Eva Longoria, Kate Walsh & Tom Arnold. 

 At 20th Century Artists, Marshak represented and molded the careers of Ray Liotta (Goodfellas), Richard Farnsworth (The Silver Fox), Phil Hartman (Saturday Night Live), and Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters). Forming Littman-Marshak-Wyckoff Associates, Marshak represented talent including Robert Patrick (Terminator), Lisa Kudrow (Friends) and Seymour Casell (Dick Tracy).Darryl Marshak is a member of The Academy Of Motion Picture & Sciences & The Television Academy.

        Marshak segued into talent management & production called The Marshak/Zachary Company, representing Robin Givens, Andrew Divoff , Michael Lerner, Alex Rocco, Curtis Armstrong, Eric Martsolf (Emmy winner & 15' nominee), Carlos Ponce (Cristela) Luke Youngblood, Nicole Gale Anderson (Beauty & The Beast) , Daniel J. Travanti (Hill Street Blues), Dana Davis (Heroes), Sonya Eddy (General Hospital), Meredith Baxter and Donna Mills among others. After the departure of Zachary, Marshak asked Alan Mills, who worked with Marshak for 20 years, to be his fifty-percent partner. 

  Daryl's feeling that Hollywood is spreading a "Chinese actor" fever brought him here in China. Recently in Hollywood, Liu Yuling is making her mark; the movie "Crazy Rich Asians" wins high box office in Hollywood. They are indicative of the arrival of Hollywood "China fever". Daryl thinks that Hollywood is brewing an "Asian revolution". Chinese actors are more and more welcomed by Hollywood, and Chinese themes, even Chinese movies are gradually attracted the attention of Hollywood and the American people. There are also many Hollywood films funded by Chinese people, so he is very optimistic about Chinese talents, and also hopes to build a bridge to introduce Chinese entertainers to Hollywood.

         Daryl said that to become a celebrity in Hollywood, first, you need the help from a good agent to gain good opportunities and resources. Meanwhile, your own ability and fortune are also very important. He is eager to find some potential actors in China to enter the Hollywood market and inject new blood into them. Therefore, he decided to come to China and cooperate with TOPhoeniX to launch a series of cooperation projects, so that Chinese entertainers have the opportunity to shine in Hollywood.


11月7日,好莱坞金牌经纪人、好莱坞电影人才协会联盟主席Darryl Marshak(达里尔·马沙克)先生现身广州接受了媒体采访。


达里尔·马沙克是一位电影界资深权威。他的电影作品《阿扎姆》(Adzam) 曾代表美国国家参加阿姆斯特丹第十届年度缪斯电影节,并在 KCET 电影节上获 得特别荣誉奖。他的代表作《脚尖儿(Tiptoes)》,主演网罗了奥斯卡及金球奖影帝马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)和《权力的游戏》中的小恶魔彼特·丁拉基(Peter Dinklage)等大咖演员。他的另一部代表电影作品《任何一天(Any Day)》,主演网罗了出演过《指环王》、《007:黄金眼》、《国家宝藏》和《特洛伊》的肖恩·宾(Sean Bean)、《绝望主妇》和《蛇蝎女佣》伊娃·朗格利亚(Eva Longoria)、 《CSI》和《实习医生格雷》凯特·沃什(Kate Walsh)等大牌明星。


达里尔主席在电影人才培养和营销方面成绩卓越,他于20世纪末主导创建了好莱坞电影人才协会联盟。他还是美国电影科学院和电视学院 (The Academy Of Motion Picture & Sciences & The Television Academy)的成员,曾获得洛杉矶电影教师协会奖。作为好莱坞金牌经纪人,达里尔成功挖掘了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo Dicaprio(《泰坦尼克号》)、希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank(《百万美元宝贝》)、詹姆斯·弗兰科James Franco(《蜘蛛侠》)、罗 伯特·帕特里克 Robert Patrick(《终结者 2》)、妮可·盖尔·安德森 Nicole Gale Anderson(《侠胆雄狮》)等众多好莱坞巨星,被业界尊称为拥有“点石成金”能力的“超级达里尔The Amazing Darryl”,享有“好莱坞金手指 The Golden Finger of Hollywood”的美誉。






达里尔还透露了一个他和《老友记》丽莎·库卓(LISA KUDROW)的小故事:当年丽莎·库卓刚被一个非常著名的电视节目拒绝了,非常伤心。达里尔对她说没关系,会有适合她的角色出现,果然一周后她就接到了《老友记》的通知,这部剧也使她声名大噪。
